


100+ rules that I operate under and help to guide my life


Disarm angry people by acting calm and logical

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Try and make everything you touch better than it came to you

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Work on making everyone you touch only have respect and good things to say about you.

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When you’re young decide where you want to go in life. Then take jobs to learn skills that will serve you in that position later in life.

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The perfect life is the way you design it and create it

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People will say they understand and if it’s important always ask them a few questions to confirm. They will say and think they understand, but actually don't comprehend what you were trying to communicate

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It’s the job of the communicator to make sure the person they’re communicating with understands. Not the other way around. If they didn’t understand it’s not their fault

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The most interesting thing is the thing that’s new and different. Use this to your advantage. Know when you’re going to burn out and drop the ball.Have systems and people put in place by this time

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Humans are biological machines run by their subconscious. Learn why you do things, feel a certain way or think things. Understand if it’s serving you and reprogram it

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The first step is the hardest: learn to love it

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Music makes everything better. Play it as much as possible

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The more your view becomes “we” then it does “I” the more you can do in this world

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