


Some of my chat logs discussing: Ecom, Hiring, Fulfillment, Shipping, Manufacturing and Modeling

As I don’t have a lot of time to sit and write out long blog posts I thought I’d share some of my Skype group chat logs.

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Affiliate News

Free Getty Images - No Watermarks

Not sure if you saw this but it’s HUGE news. Getty is the largest store of of online photography and is known for going around and suing people for using their images without the proper license.

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Thoughts on Education of the Future... It has to change

Do smart students go to college? Or does college make students smart?

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21 Way Rich People Think Differently

Heard that quote before? Probably (Glengarry Glen Ross)… now why is that? Read this post a few times today.

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Affiliate Marketing

Marketing Math Worksheet - Lesson 4

Head feeling something like this? Now that we have EPC and CPC figured out we can go back to our first equation.

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Marketing Math Worksheet - Lesson 3

Even if someone is buying on a CPC most traffic sources back everything out to a CPM.

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Marketing Math Worksheet – Lesson 2

So now that we have the decimal version of the percentage we can do some basic math to figure out our how many clicks we get per 1k impressions we serve.

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Vision, Direction and Focus - A4D Meetup Deck

Reading through my Deck for the A4D meetup I realized I could write a whole post on each bullet point. So go through this very slowly and think about each bullet point at length and how it applies to your business.

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Feel unfulfilled? Like you're not going anywhere?

Is this you? Making good money but getting burned out? There’s a simple fix… want to know what it is?

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Affiliate Marketing

Calculating Success - Figuring out ROI's - Part 1

Remember those word problems we used to have in school and how much you hated them? If you’re in marketing whether that’s affiliate marketing or offline marketing, you’re involved in one big word problem all day long.

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Understanding How Email Submits Work

Was reading a post on a forum the other day and someone was asking about where email submits convert. Figured I’d share the honest answer.

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zxbfwwr - What is it? Number 1 on Google Trends

Thought I'd make a blog post about it and see if the highest trend keyword right now will bring much traffic. My guess is it's someone gaming Trends.

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