I Know I don’t usually post crap that’s not specifically coding related but I thought I’d reach out and see who of my readers is going to Affiliate Summit West? For those of you who don’t know ASW is a small to medium sized affiliate tradeshow that really caters to the smaller affiliate crowd. When I say “smaller affiliate crowd” I don’t mean income wise. The show is filled with the guys that aren’t giant corporations with 50, 100, 1000 employees. Most of the people you’ll find at this show run their own stuff or have a small team of people but are very close to the action. The only ones this doesn’t apply to are the vendors. I suppose after being around for a while there’s nothing that bothers me more then not being able to talk with the owner or one of the founders of a company. As I’m the owner and founder of my own company. Now I know organizations have to grow and most of the time that means loss of someone that knows everything that’s going on. It also means it’s a lot harder to get in contact with that person that does know what’s going on as they move higher up the food chain. If you’re interested in meeting some of the owners/ceo’s of the companies you promote first hand this is the place to do it. Introduce yourself, shake their hand and tell them how you can make them money. Really an opportunity you’ll never get dealing with an online form for signup and an affiliate manager. I don’t care what people say... the people at the top do know more, get to them and meet as many as you can.
I’ve had the opportunity to attend both Afilliate Summits last year and AdTech SF. All were worth their weight in gold for helping our affiliate marketing company (if you could call it that ) move along... I’ve had some people ask me what was so great about it… well in my experience it really wasn’t the speakers or the vendors but rather the people walking around that are affiliates just like all of us. If you, like me, don’t know a single sole off line that knows the first thing about “what” affiliate/internet marketing is then your’e not alone. Here’s an opportunity to get around some like minded soles looking to achieve a similar outcome as you. I don’t care what anyone says you’re much better off sharing information and working with other people. You can just get so much more accomplished so much faster when you have 2-3 people thinking about a problem rather then just yourself sitting there. I’m no brain but I think I’m a pretty smart and a creative guy however the people I work with come up with great ideas I never would of thought of and we all benefit. In all honesty it’s hard to know who is legit online and who isn’t. And one way to advance those relationships much faster is to go sit down with people and meet them in person. It’s much easier to get a guage on someone when you’re sitting having a drink with them rather then some forum posts.
Well I’ve said my piece. I hope to see everyone who reads my blog out in Vegas. I’m the 6’5 240lbs fellow with the blackhat on. See you there.
P.S. leave a post on here if you’re going to be there or email me and we’ll see if we can connect. I leave for Brazil tonight and am flying direct to vegas but will be occasionally checking my email while I’m down there. Have a great week.