A4D & Product Squad - Performance Marketing Summit

May 25, 2016

Guess what?

We have our yearly Performance Marketing Summit going on here in San Diego at the Hard Rock Hotel on June 4th, 2016.

I’ve been super busy building out new products and divisions of A4D so sorry for the late notice.

We have an amazing event scheduled this year… We skipped 2015, because:

  1. We make $0 from it. It's a 100% free event to help build our brands and deliver great content to our clients and friends.
  2. It takes a tremendous amount of work to coordinate and we were busy focusing on building other things
  3. It's very expensive to put on, something like $50k+


There were two of my friends that approached me at Affiliate Summit West and said they really wanted to speak. Those people are Mike Powell and Mike Migliero. I’m sure most of you don’t know who they are, but these are two media buying and marketing beasts I’ve known and been friends with for many years. These are the guys that I personally meet up with at shows to understand what new cutting edge things they’re working on. And they asked me if I’d have the A4D event again so they could speak.

In truth I decided to put on the show solely because I wanted to hear what these 2 individuals had to say.

Mike Migliero is one of the biggest whitehat, high quality, RTB traffic buyers in the world.

Mike Powell has been first to the party for many things like video ads, Yahoo Gemini and now is building his own products and monetizing users.

So when you see them at the show you can thank both of them for getting me to do this event.

Outside of Mike & Mike we have a tremendous line up of speakers. These are people that are actively working the business. We don’t put people on stage that are there to sell you things. The speakers make their money as media buyers and marketers. This is not a info marketing event where they put people on stage to edu-sell you. It’s 100% solid packed content from people that I respect and believe are at the top of their game.

If your’e not already on the list please sign up ASAP at Events.A4D.com

We have around 480 registered so far for a room that seats 500. And that doesn’t even include everyones +1’s . 650 if you tally the +1’s.

I’m sure it’s going to be a packed house. If you plan on coming MAKE SURE you’re registered and on the list. Therefore if we need to open up more rooms we’ll know in advance.

Very excited and look forward to seeing all of you in a couple of weeks. Come with open minds, your thinking caps on and huge notebook to write down all your new found knowledge.


P.S. Curious what I’m going to talk about? I’ve been building an ecommerce funnel in the Golf space using Clickfunnels, Stripe, Mixpanel, Shipstation, Golden Egg & and a few other tools. We’ve done $400k in sales in the last 30 days. From $0 30 days ago. Going to share that Journey and how I did it. Look forward to seeing you there.

P.P.S. What others have said about our previous 1 day summits.

Charles Ngo


Malan Darras

Ian Fernando

Dino Vedo


Rohail Rizvi

Seats are limited, signup today http://events.a4d.com


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